Saturday, August 11, 2012

I did it!

Today is my college graduation. I am so proud of my accomplishments. I now have a Bachelor's Degree in Anthropology from the University of North Texas with a 4.0 GPA, graduating with highest honors, summa cum laude, and I did it in only 3 years. I am so thankful for my support-my boyfriend, sister and my parents have done so much for me. Thank you. So, in looking back, here are some of my musings about the experience:

  1. My mom is going back to school and it tickles me that she gets so excited about textbooks. I remember when I used to be that excited :)
  2. Group projects are designed to allow people who only want to be carried along by others to continue doing so.
  3. Every once in awhile, someone in a position of power (professor, advisor, etc.) will realize that taking a risk on you is worth it.
  4. Funniest thing I ever heard in college: "So...George Washington is the one who invented the equator, right?" 
  5. Eventually, being the best student instead of just a good student pays off. Because of my hard work and my gpa I had several job choices and graduate school offers to choose from. I got to choose my future.
  6. College is not about learning; college is about mastering the skills needed in a course-test taking and paper writing. 
  7. Sit in the front row. Always. Those are seats of power and respect. 
  8. Smile.
  9. Never buy a textbook from the college bookstore. Never buy the current edition. Most of my textbooks I only paid $2 or $3 dollars for. I usually pay more in shipping than the cost of the actual book.
  10. Try new things.
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